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Introductory Night

Mechanical Engineering Club Introductory Night 2007 was organized to introduce the new committee members and the existing high committees along with the advisors of Mechanical Engineering Club. The event was held on August at In2Eat cafe,Pocket D, between 8.00pm to 12.00am. This event was important to keep a good relationship among the committess with the advisors for future working in order to bring this club to the next level in UTP.


1) As a platform to strengthen the bond between Mechanical Engineering Club’s committee and advisors.

2) To share new ideas between the students and lecturers.

3) To gain new experiences in conducting and organizing an event.

4) To enhance importance and necessary skills.

5) To create an opportunity for the students and advisors to get to know each other closer.


The activities of the night was devided to two sessions which are:-

1. Barbeque session
2. Games session

Barbeque Session

Besides enjoying delicious foods during the barbeque session, this activity can strengthen the bond between committee members of Mechanical Engineering Club as they had chances to get to know each other closer.

There were various kind of food during the barbeque session including fried rice ,sausage, chicken, meat, orange juice and fruits.

Games Session
After having the meals, the games session was held where it included two fun games organized by Games & Competition Committee. The games were Musical Chair and Regu. It can be seen that everbody was having fun.


8.00pm - Students arrival
8.15pm - Advisors arrival / VIP arrival
8.30pm - Welcoming speech from the President of Mechanical Engineering Club
8.45pm - Speech from the Advisor of Mechanical Engineering Club / speech by all head department
9.00pm -Barbeque session
10.00pm - Ice breaking session with each department
10.10pm - Games session
11.45pm - Closing ceremony
12.00am - Adjourned

Overall, with all the support from Mechanical Engineering Club committee members and advisors, this event was successfully organized and achieved the objectives.

here are the pictures of the night.


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